TV One推出颠覆性产品CORIOmaster mini
ERLANGER,, KY, June 3, 2013— TV One (, 领先的高端视频和多媒体处理设备的设计者与生产商,推出了业界第一款紧凑型一体化电视墙处理器,CORIOmaster mini。
全新的CORIOmaster mini可在1RU机箱内接入12路DVI或HDBaseT接口,用户可设计成全尺寸3×3电视墙,为机架节省大量空间。CORIOmaster mini的用电量仅为正常情况的十分之一。
Nortek Technology Solutions Group总裁Sean Burke说,“CORIOmaster mini超前的设计可在1RU系统内完成全部复杂的电视墙处理任务。与CORIOmaster C3-540一样,mini基于TV One的并行处理架构专利,可实现极其震撼的展示效果。”
CORIOmaster mini一体化设计可同时完成若干种视频处理业务,如实时的视频旋转,多投影边缘融合,弧形矫正,转场,静态影像存储LOGO键控。控制软件在线升级功能可确保用户最大化地延长设备使用价值。
CORIOmaster mini完成的是真正视频质量的处理,从输入到输出,不管是何种视频分辨率和帧率,仅有不超过2帧的延迟。目前只有CORIO技术在如此超低延迟的前提下,使完成众多高质量视频处理工作成为可能。
CORIOmaster mini的I/O拥有前所未有的多功能性。通用型I/O模块支持所有的模拟和数字信号,并可转换到任意HD或PC分辨率。Mini的设计将进一步支持HDBaseT,3G/HD/SD-SDI和将来的淡入淡出,4K输出模块。这种多功能将为用户带来无可匹敌的灵活性,可满足任何电视墙所需。
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TV One is a subsidiary of Nortek, Inc. a global, diversified company whose many market-leading brands deliver broad capabilities and a wide array of innovative, technology-driven products and solutions for lifestyle improvement at home and at work. Please visit for more information.
TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO video conversion technology. Located in Erlanger, KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market. TV One has operations in Europe, USA, Taiwan, China and Latin America. For additional information, contact Charles by phone at 010-51582163 or by email
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