TV One InfoComm 2013 全新展示 炫耀登场
Margate-Kent, UK June 12, 2013- TV One ( 在本年美国InfoComm展会展示更多基于CORIO®技术的视频处理器,并将向到场的来宾展示全新的品牌标识。
TV One新标识
TV One在致力于推广CORIOmax产品系列的同时,也在继续构建强有力的产品线,并将企业关注点转向提高市场的可见性。
抢眼的全新标识是公司再次承诺成为商业AV市场领先供应商的鲜明的象征。另外,TV One一直在扩大销售和技术方面的工作,并已成立强有力的后勤部门,提供比以往任何时候更高水位的客户服务。
Nortek Technology Solutions Group董事长,Sean Burke先生说:“有非常多的数据表明,我们的服务完全达到或超过我们客户的预期。现在,我们准备此成功推向一个更高的水准,并将和所有客户分享我们的喜悦。”
欲了解TV One全新展示及 CORIOmaster mini 实时视频风车效果,欢迎光临 InfoComm US,展位号3931
About TV One Broadcast Sales Corporation
TV One is a subsidiary of Nortek, Inc. a global, diversified company whose many market-leading brands deliver broad capabilities and a wide array of innovative, technology-driven products and solutions for lifestyle improvement at home and at work. Please visit for more information.
TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO video conversion technology. Located in Margate-Kent and Maidenhead-Berkshire with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market. TV One has operations in Europe, USA, Taiwan, China and Latin America. For additional information, contact Maria Silva by email at
About Nortek, Inc.,
Headquartered in Providence, RI, is a leading diversified global manufacturer of innovative, branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC and technology products. Nortek offers a broad array of products, including technology offerings, in audio, video, access control, security and digital display mounting and mobility products.